Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Book Crush: Women in Clothes

Imagine a book on style written by the cool girls that graduated high school two years before you did, and you have Women in Clothes. *sigh*

Now, I love to read. Damn it, do I love to read. And I don't discriminate, either. I've Sweet Valley High-ed it, me and Jo March cut our hair because sometimes you have to give the finger to your hair being your only beauty, and I've even dabbled in some Victorian-era erotica (reading it, I mean. There were a lot of underage prostitutes). But I have a particular affinity for beauty and fashion books.

I am however, sick of the lists of "Ten Things Every Woman MUST HAVE in Her Closet", and "Five Lipsticks You Gotta Have Before You're 30" and all that bullshit.  Don't get me wrong: I know a white button down shirt is versatile and putting on a Burberry trench coat WILL make me feel like Audrey Hepburn strolling along the Seine, but Lord. I'm ready to create my own lists.

That's where this book comes in. It has given me major LOLz (the story about the missing mittens is a favorite), and also made me super uncomfortable, and also really curious. It has provoked many thoughts.

Through a series of essays, surveys, and interviews (and some interesting pictures) stories are told of how women think when they're dressing. And there are even a couple of dudes thrown in. Instead of being prescriptive (i.e. You HAVE to have full brows; boobs are out, asses are in; NEVER wear red lipstick to a job interview), it really explores different women's taste, style, ability and desire to put a look together, and what's in it for them. I really felt like reading this book was like having a conversation. It made me think a lot about what's important to me on how I present myself to others, as well as myself. Totally fascinating read.

What are you guys reading?  Let me know!


Monday, October 13, 2014

Autumn Inspiration: Glitter Lips

Hi there!

I don't know what it is about fall: the days getting chillier, the joy of a cozy night in with candles twinkling, and the roasting of gorgeous, caramelized vegetables in the oven.. all of that just makes me want to get ELBOWS DEEP into a bunch of sparkly beauty things.  I know that all the beauty books tell you that for women of a certain age (like, over 12), glitter is a big ol' no-no.  Well, I say, one of the great things about being a woman is setting the rules for myself.  Don't you just get chills thinking about setting your own beauty rules?  Is that just me?  Okay.  ;)

Well, I remember a night not too long ago that I was playing with Things Not Often Used in my beauty drawers (!), and I came across some MAC Glitter.  I found myself summarily intrigued by a gold glitter, and a BLACK.  I know, right!?  Now, MAC has some great glitters, and I find myself going to their Reflects line all the time (the Reflects are extremely fine glitters that add a sort of liquid, high glimmer finish).  But their straight up chunky glitter?  I'd never tried it, but I dove in.

3, 2, 1: POUT - Please excuse my selfie shadow, but the lighting on my face was EVERYTHING