Sunday, August 24, 2014

Red Lips en été .. Oh la la!

Hi guys!

Oh my goodness.  It's too hot and humid for me to wear a bright lip right now.  Everything just slides off my face, or I forget and start touching my mouth like a harlot, and pretty soon there's lipstick everywhere.  But I love them so much!  I just love bold lip colors; they really inspire me.  All of a sudden, I'm whisked to the poolside of an old French villa (it's been remodeled), and I'm in a leopard print bikini, a too-enormous-to-be-practical straw hat, and My Classic Red Lip, sipping on a pink lemonade (they have those at my Dream French Villa complete with Pool) through a straw…

...Sighhhhhh.  A girl can have beaucoup de rêves, non?  Well, in lieu of my French rendezvous (with myself), here's my take on the perfect red lip:

What's your favorite red?  I'd love to know!  Keep checking out the blog (and the YouTube channel)! I can't wait to hear from you. :)

P.S. Forgive my bouffant in this thumbnail.  Just forgive it.

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